Where teams work together more effectively

Audio describers, editors and your customers. Together in one project.

Finishing projects faster as a team.

Make sure that everyone is pulling in the same direction from the draft to the final manuscript.


Manage all your team members with an active Frazier account in a contact list so that you can easily assign them to a project.
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Organising Teams

Invite your colleagues to work on a project with you. Your team can take on different roles
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You can add comments at any point in the film or directly to a text block. Your colleagues can reply to your comment. And when you have clarified everything, you can simply close the discussion.
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Transfer Project

Are you and your client both working with Frazier? Then it is possible to transfer a project  after the audio description has been written.
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Designed for collaboration

These and other features are available for your team.

Screenreader support

Work with blind and visually impaired colleagues on an audio description.
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Rights management with customised roles

Team members can have different roles in your project.
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Lock document

You can lock the document so that you can write in silence. Nobody can open the document until you unlock it!
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Start with the free 5-day trial.

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